Acts of Generosity for the New Year
God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7)
This time of year, it’s customary to begin making plans for the new year to feel happy and accomplished in the year ahead. Yet, it’s hard to dispute that one of the most direct paths to happiness is not by focusing on one’s self, but by giving and serving others.
We offer you these acts of generosity to consider as you plan the new year:
- Pray – Ask God how you can better reflect the life of Christian stewardship.
- Celebrate a Pandemic Hero – Make a gift in their honor to an associated charity.
- Involve the Whole Family in Charity Decisions – Pass down your values and involve your children in charitable giving.
- Automate a Recurring Gift – Ask your employer about deducting a small amount from every paycheck to a charity of your choice.
- Streamline Your Giving – Open a donor advised fund to give to multiple charities from one account, realize tax advantages, and grow your impact through investment gains.
- Volunteer – There is always room for more relationships and better connections if you are willing to be generous with your time.
- Inventory Your Belongings – Keep what you need, and donate your surplus to charity to help someone start fresh.
- Gift a Letter – Who on the margins might be delighted by a personal letter? Do you know anyone in a religious community, senior living center, prison/jail, or rehabilitation hospital who would be deeply touched by this gesture?
- Make a Gift that Lives on in Perpetuity – Open an endowed fund so your favorite charity receives annual grants year after year after year.
- Review Your Estate Plans – Including charities in your estate plans can often reduce estate taxes for your heirs while creating a legacy.
As you are planning for the year ahead, the Catholic Foundation is here to support your charitable intent. To learn more about our products and services contact us today.
Happy New Year,
Greg Deja
Executive Director