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By joining together and unifying as a Catholic community, the Foundation is able to make grants which positively impact children, young adults, the poor and vulnerable, future Catholic leaders, our natural environment, and the community at large.

Through smart investment strategies aimed at competitive returns, the Catholic Foundation grows funds from our generous Catholic community to have an even greater impact in West Michigan and beyond.

Impact Stories

Faith, Family, and Service

Anyone raised in the Catholic Church would have learned early on that each of us is, “A light of the world.” But few, perhaps, have taken that lesson to heart

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The Generous Hearts newsletters share updates from the Executive Director, feature donor impact, and inspire giving in our Catholic community.

Annual Reports

Our annual reports showcase how donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries are helping the Catholic Foundation of West Michigan carry out the work of the Church.

Funding Priorities

The Catholic Foundation has five primary giving priorities, aligned with our Catholic faith, teachings, and donor giving priorities.

Sharing Our Catholic Faith

Educating Children and Young Adults

Supporting Religious Vocations

Helping the Poor and Vulnerable

Caring for Creation

The Current Impact of Your Catholic Generosity

Assets under management
$ 0 Million
2023 Grants
$ 0 Million

Investing Together, Morally, and Responsibly

The Catholic Foundation is committed to prudent investment strategies that align with Catholic teachings, are approved by the USCCB and the Michigan Catholic Conference, and that our trustees believe will lead to the optimal use of your fund(s) in the charitable community. We work with professional investment advisors to achieve a competitive return consistent with board policies. Detailed reports of funds are mailed to fundholders semi-annually.

Our socially responsible investments are committed to:

Financial Information

Since 1995 the Catholic Foundation of West Michigan (CFWM) has played an essential role in supporting parishes, schools, and charitable orga​nizations throughout the 11 counties of the Diocese of Grand Rapids and beyond.

Audited Financial Statements

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